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Parklea Welcomes New Recruits

Parklea Correctional Centre has welcomed 24 trainee correctional officers at a Covid safe swearing-in ceremony.

Due to the Sydney lockdown, graduates were unable to invite their friends and family to the event, but they were still made to feel special with some words of wisdom and encouragement from Governor Baker and awards were given to stand-out performers.

One of the recipients was 35-year-old Abdulkabir Lawal, who worked as a spatial analyst and a surveyor before joining the Parklea team.

He said he likes to try new things and was looking for a more physical job with different challenges.

“I didn’t realise the breadth of roles until I came here and there’s so many different things I can try,” Kabir said.

He said he was looking forward to putting his training into practice now he’s graduated, and having a long and diverse career at Parklea.

“I’m sure I’ll feel a little bit of anxiety on my first day, because you want to do your best, but I’m excited,” Kabir said.

“I’m looking forward to progressing in the centre and exploring other options when I’ve got some experience, like with IRT and supervisory roles, and even training.”

Subjects studied by the trainees include legislation, policies and procedures, de-escalation and use of force tactics, and mental health and general first aid. They also take part in simulated search and emergency-response exercises, as well as weapons training.